In the 2000s, when it was first released, Gokusen quickly created a fever in the Japanese Manga/Anime/Light Novel community.
The series successfully portrays the image of `teachers` – people who are considered dry and dogmatic, making them closer to students, showing their enthusiasm and teaching vocation, even though
Gokusen is about a young girl named Yamaguchi Kumiko, who after graduating from university decided to become a math teacher at Shirokingakuin School.
As the main character of the series, Yamaguchi is built in a very new and interesting way.
Yamaguchi’s teaching method is to be firm and soft, she faces students with a fair and conscientious gaze, even when they are individual students.
One of the things that makes people love Gokusen is the `bullishness` of the characters that is shown to be both humorous and dramatic.
Therefore, coming to Gokusen, readers will be immersed in the vibrant school life, and at the same time face hidden corners such as school violence, suicide, use of banned substances,… Or confrontations.
In terms of drawing, Gokusen has the style of 2000s era series, associated with the childhood and youth of many people.
Recently, Tre Publishing House decided to buy the copyright and publish Gokusen in Vietnam.
In Japan, the series has an 11-episode Bunko version, a 12-episode Handi-ban version and a 15-episode regular version with a `dazzling` yellow cover – this is also the version that Tre Publishing House chose for its release.